pounding - определение. Что такое pounding
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Что (кто) такое pounding - определение

  • Pounding often takes place at the [[parsonage]] of a church.
If someone or something takes a pounding, they are severely injured or damaged. (INFORMAL)
Sarajevo took one of its worst poundings in weeks.
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see also pound
  • Pounding often takes place at the [[parsonage]] of a church.
·noun A pounded or pulverized substance.
II. Pounding ·p.pr. & ·vb.n. of Pound.
III. Pounding ·noun The act of beating, bruising, or breaking up; a beating.
  • Pounding often takes place at the [[parsonage]] of a church.
Pounding is a ritual in Christianity in which a new priest or minister is given gifts by members of the congregation of that church at which he is assigned to preach. The practice can be traced back to at least the 19th century, when communicants of a church visited the parsonage and dropped off a pound of an item, such as "coffee, sugar, flour or honey.


Pounding is a ritual in Christianity in which a new priest or minister is given gifts by members of the congregation of that church at which he is assigned to preach. The practice can be traced back to at least the 19th century, when communicants of a church visited the parsonage and dropped off a pound of an item, such as "coffee, sugar, flour or honey.
Примеры произношения для pounding
1. and you're pounding it.
La Buvette - Recipes and Wine Notes from Paris _ Kate Leahy _ Talks at Google
2. pounding kind of melody.
Three Songs, Three Singers, Three Nations _ Greil Marcus _ Talks at Google
3. My heart is pounding.
Prison to Professor in 5 Years _ Mikael Meir _ Talks at Google
4. turns pounding the lemongrass.
Lindsay Gardner & Nite Yun _ Why We Cook _ Talks at Google
5. pounding the coastline.
Cradle of Storms Surf Photography _ Chris Burhard & Ben Weiland _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для pounding
1. And that pounding, I see now, is a mechanical drum pounding, pounding.
2. On Capitol Hill, DeLay was known as "The Hammer," pounding money out of donors, pounding votes out of colleagues, pounding the Democrats.
3. Rathokolo and Kubjana began pounding their drums.
4. The Great Lakes region will also take a pounding.
5. Women were pounding millet, children were running and playing.